Five Things You Didn’t Know About Osteopathy

1. We Treat The Whole Body

You may wonder why we assess your back, hip, knee & ankle when you present with knee pain. The root cause of your pain and discomfort does not always stem from the area where you are feeling discomfort. As osteopathic manual practitioners, we examine your entire body [from head to toe] to thoroughly determine the source of your pain and discomfort. Specifically, we look for compensation patterns and lines of force that are going to and away from the area of concern. Next, we ensure that fluid exchange in the body is working efficiently so that swelling, debri and waste is able to flush out from the area and nutrients can enter to help facilitate healing. Our muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, and lymph and blood vessels are interconnected therefore we need to make sure they are supporting each other and functioning well to get you moving and feeling your best.

2. Each Treatment Is Unique To You!

Using a principles-based approach to treatment, we tailor each treatment to your needs and concerns in order to help reach your goal! From person to person or appointment to appointment, no treatment will ever look the same.

3.  We Treat All Structures Of The Body

Fascia, muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones. Our goal is to free the arteries, veins, nerves and lymphatics from restrictions caused by these hard and soft tissues. Once we are able to treat these restrictions through your tissues and free the vessels, your body will have the ability to continue to self-heal and self-regulate. your body does all the hard work in healing itself for you, we just give it a nudge in the right direction!

4. Osteopathic Treatment Is Oh So Gentle 

Osteopathic treatment is performed using a rhythmic manner that is appealing to your nervous system, which will have you feeling relaxed and dreamy during your treatment. Using a gentle approach, we are able to better feel your restrictions and then use leverages created using your body, to do the work for us. While sometimes you may feel discomfort or tenderness during treatment as we work through your restrictions, osteopathic treatment should not be painful.

5.  You Don’t Have To Be In Pain To Receive Osteopathic Treatment

 Even if you’re not in pain, your body can benefit from osteopathic treatment to make sure you are moving and feeling your best and can help to avoid or prevent future injuries. In addition, manual osteopathic therapy can help alleviate other signs and symptoms including digestive issues, sleeping difficulties etc.

We can’t wait for you to find even more reasons to love osteopathic therapy.


 This blog post was written by The Wellness Hub’s osteopath, Fallon Stumpo.


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